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Training Available

Street Legal©: Reducing Lawsuits and Criminal Charges in Police Work


  • Dawn Parsons
    Criminal Prosecutor, Jackson County

Police officers not only face potential hazards in the line of duty, but they also face serious legal issues for failing to train and supervise officers. In an era of unprecedented transparency, it isn't enough anymore to "let things slide." Today, District Attorneys and Prosecutors face more pressure than ever before to bring criminal charges against police officers for failing to properly train and supervise subordinate officers.

Saving Police Careers Through Early Intervention


  • Brian McEwen
    Sergeant, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, IN

In law enforcement agencies across the country, there is a tendency to address misconduct issues only after the officer’s situation has become the topic of media attention or even criminal charges. As a result, public trust is negatively affected and severe officer discipline—often termination—become inevitable. It is vital that agencies break this pattern and embrace early intervention as a method of minimizing the damage ultimately done to officer safety, public safety and officers’ livelihoods when cumulative issues—left untreated—rise to the level of crisis.

Remote Pilot-In-Command: Part 107 Test Preparation Class for First Responders


  • Bill Bongle
    Captain, Green Bay Police Department, WI (Ret.)

Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (commonly referred to as sUAS or “drones”) are an emerging technology, which offers exciting possibilities for public safety. Drones are being used to aid in disaster relief, accident reconstruction, crime scene documentation, search for missing persons and to provide situational awareness for first responders.

Safe Places: Protecting Places of Worship from Violence and Crime


  • Dr. Richard Johnson
    Chief Academic Officer

According to FBI statistics, acts of crime and violence targeting places of worship occur somewhere in America every single day. To fulfill their mission, however, places of worship must be open and inviting spaces that seek to draw all people to them.

How can places of worship perform their missions while providing the most safety possible to the people who enter? This course provides practical, “nuts and bolts” information for clergy and staff of churches, temples, synagogues, and mosques. This information will give attendees the tools they need to make their places of worship safer. This course provides crucial information on realistic and sensible steps places of worship can take to improve safety and security while never losing sight of the mission of the institution. This course was designed with sensitivity to the diverse needs and resources of houses of worship of all sizes, from the small churches plant to the larger churches or cathedrals, realizing each has different needs.

Community Policing Train the Trainer Program


  • Harry P. Dolan
    Chief of Police (Ret.)

Police-community relations are, by all accounts, the most critical issue facing law enforcement in America today. Recently U.S. law enforcement officers and agencies have experienced a period of public hostility and lack of support not seen since the 1960s. This 2 and ½ -day train the trainer program will provide law enforcement trainers with evidence-based recommendations about how to regain and improve local citizen satisfaction and confidence in their local police. This training utilizes the findings from social scientific research to identify what factors influence citizen satisfaction with the police, then provides real-life case study examples to illustrate each of the solutions identified by the research. This training is suited for law enforcement professionals of any rank who engage in helping direct agency operations and assist in forming departmental policies.

New Detective Training


  • Everett C. Babcock
    Special Agent, Oklahoma District Attorney's Office District 22

This new detective course is intended to make the participants recognize the importance of basic investigative techniques that are often overlooked or not given the proper level of importance in the face of newer technologies and newer investigative techniques. This class also gives an introduction to 4th and 5th Amendment Issues encountered by detectives, and the importance of striving for and maintaining the highest quality of investigation in all cases. The class also introduces the detective to the dynamics of interacting with victims and victim’s families.

The participants will be instructed there is nothing more destructive to a crime scene or criminal investigation than making early assumptions about the scene and the nature of the investigation. The participants will be taught to treat every violent crime scene like it is a possible murder investigation and to not allow preconceptions and personal theories to influence their actions or the manner in which they handle the crime scene and investigation.

Developing Organizational Performance Leadership