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Supervisor Liability for Telecommunications Dispatchers

Supervisor Liability for Telecommunications Dispatchers

  • Matt Dolan
    Attorney & Director, Dolan Consulting Group, NC
  • Webinar, N/A
  • Nov 13, 2024
Course Length:
  • 2-hour
Registration Fee:
    • $125.00 for the first attendee – $75.00 per each additional attendee

Public safety dispatchers who choose to accept a supervisory position are agreeing, whether they realize it or not, to enter the world of risk management. The vitally important skills that they have honed as dispatchers—the ability to multitask, make quick decisions while under stress and communicate with citizens in crisis—will still be foundational to what they do as supervisors, but they will be required to add tools to their toolbox.  Today’s increased scrutiny placed upon public safety professionals has not excluded telecommunicators, and supervisors are crucial to limiting liability, maintaining organizational standards and protecting the public trust.

In this webinar, Attorney Matt Dolan will utilize case law and real-world case studies from the world of public safety telecommunications, to illustrate the most common and costly liability issues confronting supervisors in this area and effective strategies to minimize that liability. 

In this webinar, topics covered will include:

  • The 3 most important questions in supervisor liability

              –  What did you know?

              –  When did you know it?

              –  What did you do?

  • “Inspect What You Expect”—taking on the role of early detection and intervention
  • The Just Cause Doctrine and consistent employee discipline
  • The “Supervisor Liability Balancing Act” between holding employees accountable and respecting employee rights in the workplace


Hiring and Retiring Healthy

  • “Thank you for doing this training! Every law enforcement & their families should have this training! SO IMPORTANT!”

-Detective, Utah

Verbal De-escalation: Surviving Verbal Conflict

  • “…Lt. Nieters’ ability to teach this class truly gripped me into seeing [that] I need a change. Hope to attend further training.”

-Patrolman, South Carolina

Improving Public Perception of the Police

  • “Harry Dolan was one of the best instructors I have encountered in 28 years of service.”

-Lieutenant, Wisconsin

Courageous Leadership for Today’s Public Safety

  • “Chief Dolan seamlessly fused his knowledge of history, law enforcement and leadership to provide a wealth of information on this topic. Two days flew by, great course!”

-Officer, Pennsylvania

Homicide Investigation

  • “This course was one of the best & most informative courses I have ever taken. Capt. Babcock’s expertise in the course matter is excellent.’

-Deputy, Florida

Making Discipline Stick

  • “I would consider Matt to be a master orator. Kept a serious topic interesting with his unique and fantastic sense of humor.”

-Detective, South Dakota

Verbal De-escalation

  • “One of/if not the best training I’ve attended. Chief’s lectures were relatable, accurate, and captivating. I really enjoyed the entire week.”

-Officer, Virginia

Taking the Lead: Courageous Leadership

  • “Very well done. [I] look forward to sending my police leaders to future Dolan Consulting Group trainings!

- Chief, Pennsylvania

Evidence-Based First-Line Supervision Training

  • “This should be required for ALL leaders (or people in command) across the nation.”

-Sergeant, Texas

Verbal De-escalation: Surviving Verbal Conflict

  • “I’ve sent 2 of my team members to Verbal De-Escalation. I’ve had it & it’s an amazing class. After encounters, I see the 180 degree difference in these young officers! I will petition to send all of them.”

-Attendee, North Carolina

Developing Organizational Performance Leadership